Page 31 - Travel Rich Weekly # 406
P. 31

Author/Jing Tseng Photo/Travel Rich

The 11th China Cruise Shipping Conference and International Cruise
Expo will be held from September 23rd-25th, 2016. The theme for
this annual, impressive international conference is “Development
and Cultivation of Asian Cruise Tourism Destination.” Officials from
the State Council, popular Asian tourism destinations’ governments,
cruise companies, experts, and various elites are all warmly invited.

President of Tianjin Cruise & Yacht Association (TJCYA), Peisheng Li, has expressed
that Tianjin is a key coastal port city for China, and its rich resources in tourism as
well as its advantageous location are critical in tourism development. As the central port
of the North, Tianjin already has ample infrastructure and market resources. Along with
the fast growth of the international cruise market, Tianjin’s cruise industry’s progress
showcases this trend of rapid increase and will definitely be a rising star in the global
cruise tourism market.

Introduction of Tianjin International Cruise
Home Port and Tourist Attractions

Tianjin International Cruise Home Port received 96 cruise calls in 2015 and is expected to
reach 145 in 2016. The Tourism Bureau of Tianjin recommends classic travel routes of 1-day,

2-day, and 3-day trips with a total of 8 major must-see attractions.

Five Cruise Companies Stationed at 102%. In total, 430 thousand visitors were received, with an increase rate of
93%. Royal Caribbean Cruises, Costa Cruises, and HNA Cruise Company
Tianjin International Cruise Home Port all established Tianjin port as their home port, and expanded their cruise
routes. According to the arrival plan reported by ship agents, there will be
In 2010, the largest cruise home port was built in Tianjin -- Tianjin an estimate of 145 visits from international cruises to Tianjin port in 2016.
International Cruise Home Port, which showed that Tianjin not only was According to Zhang, on March 8th, 2013, the national tourism bureau
officially ready to step out into the track of international cruise development, officially approved the establishment of an experimental zone for Chinese
but also had become an essential node in the Asian cruise industry. This cruise tourism development in Tianjin Binhai New Area. This is the second
port is the first home port in Northern China. Its infrastructure is sound, federal cruise tourism experimental zone, after Shanghai’s establishment on
development base is broad, and can house the biggest luxury cruise in the October 15th, 2012. To facilitate the construction of this experimental zone
world. and fortify Tianjin’s economic transformation, the Tianjin City Government
Li has further stated that, so far, there are five universal cruise companies published “The 3-year construction action project of Tianjin cruise tourism
that call Tianjin port its home port, while sailing international routes. They development experimental zone (2015-2017).” Tianjin will establish an
are, respectively, Costa Cruise, Royal Caribbean Cruises, HNA Cruise international cruise home port, and cruise operations will gradually be the
Company, Princess Cruises, and Bohai Ferry Co. The owner of Costa center. Cruise tourism, commercial recreation, and cultural entertainment
Cruises Carnival Corp. is the biggest cruise corporation in scale, Royal will draw the majority of business. Service-focused businesses such as
Caribbean Cruises owns the second largest fleets in the world, and the finance, trade, R&D, training, creation, and exhibition will comprise the
owner of HNA Cruise Company HNA Group Co. is the first international extended modern cruise business system. With the cruise industry as its
cruise company in mainland China. These five cruise companies began to feature, Tianjin will be considered an international cruise home port region.
enter Tianjin’s cruise market in 2007, and their major routes include Japan, According to the 3-year construction project, the Tourism Bureau of Tianjin
Korea, Taiwan, amongst other locations in Southeast Asia. will utilize 5 milion dollars from the tourism development fund to support
Tianjin’s development in the cruise and yacht industry for 3 consecutive
Tianjian Became the Second Experimental Zone years. In 2015, 5 million dollars were allocated to support infrastructure
improvement and cruise/yacht industry promotion, so the fund for Tianjin’s
for Cruise Tourism after Shanghai cruise tourism development is greatly supported.

General Manager of Tianjin International Cruise Home Port Company, 29vol.406 旅 奇 週 刊
Donald Zhang, said that Tianjin International Cruise Home Port welcomed
96 international Cruise calls, an increase rate of 75%. 85 out of those 96
visits consisted of cruises from home port routes, with an increase rate of
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