Page 33 - Travel Rich Weekly # 406
P. 33

Author/Jing Tseng Photo/Travel Rich


Introduction of Tianjin International Cruise Home Port 天津國際郵輪母港位於天津港東疆港區最南端,由天津港集團公司和招商局共
Tianjin International Cruise Home Port is located at the southernmost part of Dongjiang 業、商品展示展銷、商務公寓、高端住宅等功能為一體的海港城。碼頭1期工
port district in Tianjin, jointly invested and built by Tianjin Port (Group) Co. and China 程(包括客運大廈和2個郵輪泊位)總投資人民幣13.8億元,於2010╱6╱26
Merchants Group Ltd. This home port is planned to cover 1.2 million square meters, 建成並投入使用。
and it will become a harbor city including multiple functions, such as sea transportation, 而投資人民幣6.6億元打造的2期碼頭已於2014年6月啟用,碼頭岸線總長增至
traveling, leisuring, business, shelter, etc..The first phase of dock’s construction (including 1,112公尺,碼頭前沿水深-11.5公尺,年設計旅客吞吐能力增至92萬人次,新
terminal building and two vessel berths ), with 1.38 billion RMB funds in total, was 增滾裝汽車裝卸能力10萬輛,集裝箱輸送量6萬標箱。2014╱6╱28,原新港
completed on June 26th , 2010, while the second phase, with 660 million RMB funds, is 客運碼頭內貿客貨班輪順利移至郵輪母港作業。同年8╱31「天仁」客貨班輪
operated in June 2014. The length of the dock has been increased to 1,112 meters with 成功在郵輪母港複線運營,從而實現天津港客運業務的全面整合。

11.5-meter water depth of the wharf apron, annual passenger capacity is increased to
920,000 people, and 100 thousands car-carrying capacity with 60 thousands container-
handling capacity is added. On June 28th, 2014, the cargo related operations in new port
dock were successfully shifted to the cruise home port. On August 31st of the same year,
Tianren passenger/cargo vessels have been operated successfully at cruise home port.
From this point on, Tianjin International Cruise Port completely integrated the passenger
transportation in Tianjin Port.

天 津 經 典 景 區 Tianjin Classic Attractions

義式風情區:義大利風情 古文化街:古文化街位於南開區
區占地面積約10萬平方 東北部,是國家5A級旅遊景區。
公尺,曾是義大利租界, 其建築風格為仿明清式,主街以
距今已有百年歷史。是目 天后宮為中心,分為宮南大街和
前亞洲規模最大、保存最 宮北大街。全場680公尺,街心
完整的的義大利風貌建築 有穿街戲樓,其歷史可以追溯到
群。 1404年。

Italian Concession District: Italian Concession District is approximately 100,000 Tianjin Ancient Culture Street: Tianjin Ancient Cultural Street is located in the north-
square meters. It was once governed by the Italians more than 100 years ago. Italian east side of Nankai district of Tianjin. It is recognized as a 5A-level tourist attraction. Tianjin
Concession District is the most well-kept and largest Italian-styled buildings in Asia. Ancient Culture Street is an imitation of traditional Qing architectures and is made up of
north and south street. It is 680 meters long and carries stories about the past since 1404.
邊的津灣廣場,東側和北 五大道風情區:五大道風情區擁
側有海河環繞,是座融合 有上個世紀20、30年代建成的花
現代風格與歐式風貌於一 園式洋房2000多幢,其中風貌建
體,彙集了劇場影院、高 築和民人故居300多處,被譽為
端餐飲、娛樂休閒和時尚 「萬國建築博覽館」。
商務商業聚集區。 Wu Da Dao Historical District: Wu Da Dao Historical District is composed of 2,000 or
so houses built in the 20s and 30s. With the deep history that has preserved, Wu Da Dao
Jinwan Square: Jinwan Square is located on the bank of Hai River, District is often honorably referred as the “multinational architecture museum.”
surrounded by water on its north and east sides. The architectures are
products of a mix of modern and European styles. Jinwan Square provides
leisure options including a cinema, luxury restaurants, and shopping centers.

海河遊覽:海河遊船於 盤山:盤山是國家5A級旅遊景
2009╱7╱13正式成立運營, 區,被列為中國大陸15大名勝之
線路包括海河觀光遊、海河 一,又被譽為「京東第1山」。
夜景遊、海河渤海1日遊。1 以「上盤松勝,中磐石勝,下盤
條海河觀光帶,半部中國近 水勝」著稱。清乾隆皇帝32次到
代史。乘坐海河遊船,既可 此遊歷,發出「早知有盤山,何
以了解天津的文化歷史,又 必下江南」的讚歎。
覽海河上不同的橋樑。 Mount Pan: Mount Pan is a 5A-level tourist attraction and is one of the 15 Greatest
Sceneries in China. It is known as the “Top Mountain of Jingdong” and is famous of its pine
Hai River Tour: Hai River Ferry began its operation on July 13th, 2009. The routes trees on the mountaintop, rocks at the mountainside, and rivers in the bottom. Qianglong
include Hai River Sightseeing, Hai River Night Scenes, and Hai River/Bohai Sea emperor of Qing Dynasty visited Mount Pan total 32 times and even said “if only I knew
One-day Trip. The tourist attractions along Hai River represent half of the Chinese about Mount Pan, I wouldn't travel to Jiangnan.”
modern history. Through the tour, tourists are indulged with not only the beautiful
sceneries but also the history of Hai River. 航母主題公園:濱海航母軍事主
黃崖關長城:是國家首批 觀,集軍事國防、現代科技、休
4A級旅遊景區,也是世 閒娛樂為一體的軍事主題公園。

Huangya Pass of The Great Wall: It is a world cultural landscape and is the one of Aircraft Carrier Theme Park: The Aircraft Carrier Theme Park is in the retired Soviet
the first receivers of the recognition as a 4A-level tourist attraction. The construction of aircraft carrier Kiev. Major themes include national defense military and modern
Huangya Pass of the Great Wall began in 557 A.D., and was widely renovated during technology.
the Ming Dynasty. Huangya Pass of The Great Wall is 42 kilometers long.
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