Page 38 - Travel Rich Weekly # 406
P. 38
國際郵輪產業 撰文/王政 圖片提供/本刊圖庫



(Left) ICCT Secretary Elvis Yu, Lecturer
of NKUHT Barry Hourng, Chairman of ICCT
Matthew Wu, Secretary-general of ICCT Derek
Hsiung, and trainees from the 2nd training course
1st group.

台灣國際郵輪協會 積極培育人才

舉辦12次郵輪導遊領隊教育訓練 黃金師資 結合實務與理論
規劃多次協會會員登輪參訪 積極拜會各大國際郵輪航商

台灣國際郵輪協會理事長吳勛豐表示,為培育專業郵輪產業人▲ Matthew Wu, the chairman of ICCT, has stated that they were focusing
才,協會於成立後便積極研擬郵輪導遊暨領隊教育訓練課程。 intently on designing the training course for cruise tour guides and
籌備過程中,協會於觀光局的指導下規劃郵輪導遊領隊教育訓 managers immediately after the establishment of the association, in
練,並與臺灣港務公司和麗星郵輪協辦,同時並與郵輪專業學者 order to develop professionals in the cruise industry. During their
研討課程內容。在協會的一番努力下,設計出紮實的訓練課程。 preparations, ICCT planned these training courses under supervision
of the Tourism Bureau of Taiwan, in cooperation with Taiwan
在課程內容上,規劃有通識教育共4小時,分別針對導遊或領 International Ports Corporation and Star Cruises. Meanwhile, ICCT
隊所進行的專業教育共8小時,並特別安排參訪碼頭、登輪參訪等 also had discussions with academics specializing in the cruise industry
戶外見習。教育訓練課程結束後,將頒給完訓學員結業證書。 regarding the content of these courses. Thanks to ICCT’s efforts, these
comprehensive training courses were created. The lecture includes
此外,台灣國際郵輪協會更將完訓學員資料納入郵輪協會的人力 4 hours of general education and 8 hours of professional education
銀行做系統化的管理,並提供郵輪業者參考晉用,希望此一具有前 for tour guides and managers. Field trips to the docks and cruises
瞻性的計劃能滿足後續郵輪專業接待人力的需求。值得一提的是, are also included in the curriculum. Upon completion, trainees are
今年第3季協會將舉辦3梯次的海上學府,安排結訓學員們分批登輪 awarded a certificate for their efforts. Furthermore, ICCT enrolls the
考察,並與郵輪躉售業者進行媒合,達到最大效益。而未來,協會 profile of every trainee who completes the course into the association’s
也將走進校園培養莘 human resource database for systematic management and cruise
莘學子、持續導遊與 companies’ reference. This is a proactive effort to meet later demand for
領隊的人才培訓,以 professionals in the cruise industry. Another notable achievement is that
及會員登輪參訪等培 ICCT will hold an “Academy On-Board” program three times, which
訓工作,讓產業人才 allows trainees to go abroad for field study and be matched with tour
更加全面與充足。 wholesalers in order to achieve maximum results. In the future, ICCT
will step onto campuses for talent cultivation, and continue tour guide/
台灣國際郵輪協會 manager training as well as arrange field trips to provide comprehensive
登輪教育訓練。 industrial professional training.

■ On-board trainings held by ICCT.

36 旅 奇 週 刊 vol.406
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