Page 41 - Travel Rich Weekly # 406
P. 41

Author/John Wang Photo/Travel Rich


■ (Left) The Secretary-General of Taiwan Tourist Hotel Association Zhong Jin Ho、Chairman of Taiwan Theme Park Festival Chi-Tien Lee、Chairman of Hotel Association of Taiwan Alfred Hsu、Chairman of Travel Quality

Assurance Association Chris Hsu、Taiwan General Manager of Star Cruises Andy Lew、Predecessor Chairman of Kaohsiung International Cruise Association(KICA)Paul Sun、President of National Taiwan Ocean University
Ching-Feng Chang、Predecessor Chairman of Taiwan International Ports Corporation Chih-Ching Chang、Predecessor Director-General of Maritime and Port Bureau, MOTC, Wen-Jong Chi、Predecessor Director-General Taiwan
Tourism Bureau David Hsieh、Deputy Director-General Taiwan Tourism Bureau Wayne Liu、Senior Vice President Sales of Star Cruises Michael Goh、Chairman of ICCT Matthew Wu、Vice President of Star Cruises Sally Riu、
Chairman of Travel Agent Association of Taiwan Louis Hsu、Chinese Taipei Chapter Chairman of Pacific Asia Travel Association(PATA) Stephen F.W. Chang、President of Taiwan International Ports Corporation Port of
Keelung Ting-Yi Tsai

Premier Taiwanese Cruise Forum
Held on International Cruise Ship

Cutting-edge thinking combined with a luxurious cruise ship and professional forum
Industry elites experienced the charm of the international cruise ship
Fine food, exquisite performances and luxurious facilities
displayed the captivating elements of cruise travel

台灣國際郵輪協會▲ 台灣國際郵輪協會理事長吳勛豐表示,論壇以「亞太地區郵輪產業崛起 台灣郵輪
理事長吳勛豐(左) 旅遊的新契機」為主題,首次在郵輪上舉辦郵輪論壇,成為全台創舉!在台灣觀
感謝麗星郵輪高級副 光局的指導之下,台灣國際郵輪協會整合產、官、學界的力量,並邀約旅遊業掌握旅
總裁吳明發對於台灣 客行銷及接待能力之各公協會領袖參與,希冀共榮互惠台灣郵輪旅遊產業的發展。
持。 此次論壇分為3大議程,包括由台灣觀光局副局長劉喜臨闡述「台灣發展郵輪觀光
的凝視─台灣觀光局領軍推動郵輪 發展ACC策略陣容」;麗星郵輪營業部高級副總裁
■ Chairman of ICCT 吳明發分享「亞洲郵輪業崛起─台灣的機遇與挑戰」,以及臺灣港務公司基隆港務分
and International Cruise
Forum Matthew Wu 同時,吳勛豐亦表達對參與論壇籌備的各級單位的感謝,尤其感謝麗星郵輪的全
(Left) appreciating the 力配合及贊助,提供娛樂表演和引以為傲的美饌,讓嘉賓們親身體驗麗星郵輪的尊爵
support from Senior 服務,以及處女星號最引人入勝的食、住、娛樂等多方魅力。
Vice President Sales of
Star Cruises Michael

According to the chairman of ICCT, Matthew Wu, “The rise of the cruise industry in Asia Pacific and new ▲論壇流程中穿插精彩演出,讓與會嘉賓實際感受郵輪的娛樂與魅力。
opportunities for Taiwanese cruise travel” was the theme of the forum, and holding a forum on a cruise ship
was a first for Taiwan! Under supervision of the Tourism Bureau of Taiwan, ICCT integrated strengths from the ■Exquisite performances during the forum allow the guests to actually
industry, government, and academic fields and invited leaders of travel marketing and hospitality from various
associations in order to foster development of Taiwan’s cruise tourism industry. The three major agendas for experience the entertainment and charm of the cruise.
this forum included: 1.“The gaze on Taiwan’s development in cruise tourism: Tourism Bureau of Taiwan leads
to facilitate cruise tourism and develop Asia Cruise Cooperation (ACC) league” by Deputy Director-General of 39vol.406 旅 奇 週 刊
Tourism Bureau of Taiwan, Wayne Liu; 2. “The rise of the cruise industry in Asia: Taiwan’s opportunities and
challenges” by Senior Vice President of Sales of Star Cruises, Michael Goh; 3.“Welcome cruise tourism: The
response and planning of Taiwan International Ports Corporation” by Taiwan International Ports Corporation,
Keelung Branch General Manager, Ting-Yi Tsai.
Meanwhile, Wu also expressed his gratitude to everyone involved in the preparation for the forum, especially
Star Cruises for their full support and sponsorship. that provided entertaining performances and exquisite food.
These all proudly showcased the top-notch service offered by Star Cruises and SuperStar Virgo.
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