Page 40 - Travel Rich Weekly # 406
P. 40
際郵輪產業 撰文/王政 圖片提供/本刊圖庫

■ Chairman of ICCT and International Cruise Forum Matthew Wu.

台灣郵輪歷史創舉 登上國際郵輪舉辦論壇

尖端思維串聯豪華郵輪與專業論壇 產業菁英體驗國際郵輪魅力
美食、精彩演出、豪華設施穿插其中 完美呈現郵輪旅程吸睛元素

台灣國際郵輪協會於2015/11/10盛大舉辦郵輪論壇,由 ICCT held a grand cruise forum on
台灣觀光局指導、麗星郵輪及臺灣港務公司協辦,盛邀郵 November 10, 2015 that was supervised
輪產業產、官、學各方代表人物,共逾200位嘉賓出席,現 by the Tourism Bureau of Taiwan and
場冠蓋雲集齊聚麗星郵輪處女星號。此次別開生面的論壇 co-organized by Star Cruises and
盛會除了讓與會嘉賓掌握台灣郵輪脈動與趨勢,更安排郵 Taiwan International Ports Corporation.
輪參訪、晚宴,讓嘉賓走進郵輪、看見郵輪、體驗郵輪。 Representatives from the cruise industry,
government, and academia were
▲(左起)品保協會理事長許晉睿、麗星郵輪業務部副總裁劉曉寧、前臺灣港務公司董事長張志清、前航港局局長 welcomed. More than 200 guests were in
祁文中、麗星郵輪處女星號船長Jan Blomqvis、前台灣觀光局局長謝謂君、麗星郵輪高級副總裁吳明發、台灣國際 attendance of the event. Many dignitaries
郵輪協會理事長吳勛豐、旅行商業同業公會總會理事長許禓哲。 gathered on Star Cruises’ SuperStar Virgo.
■ (Left) Chairman of Travel Quality Assurance Association Chris Hsu、Vice President of Star Cruises Sally Riu、Predecessor This unique forum not only allowed guests
Chairman of Taiwan International Ports Corporation Chih-Ching Chang、Predecessor Director-General of Maritime and Port to learn about the movement and future
Bureau, MOTC,Wen-Jong Chi、Captain of SuperStar Virgo/ Star Cruises Jan Blomqvist、Predecessor Director-General Taiwan development of the cruise industry in
Tourism Bureau David Hsieh、Senior Vice President Sales of Star Cruises Michael Goh、Chairman of ICCT Matthew Wu、 Taiwan, but also arranged a cruise visit and
Chairman of Travel Agent Association of Taiwan Louis Hsu dinner party so that guests could enjoy the
entire experience of the cruise.
38 旅 奇 週 刊 vol.406
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